Small Grant Facility for Civil Society Monitoring of Public Administration Reform at Local Level – Workshop with the grantees in Macedonia

The aim of the workshop was to familiarise the grantees with the EU financial management procedures and administrative procedures during the grant implementation.  The grantees in Macedonia are:

  Organisation Project title Country  
1.  Association Zenith Towards improved and more accessible services for the citizens: monitoring of the tax administration in the city of Skopje. Macedonia
2. FINANCE THINK – Economic Research Policy Institute Active inclusion of citizens in creating and monitoring local budgeting and public procurement Macedonia
3. Impact – Research Institute Comparative analysis and recommendations for improvement of the practices for external consultation in policy creation of local self-governments in the South-East region in Macedonia Macedonia
4. Association Forum – Centre for strategic research and documentation Strengthening the influence of citizens in determining the priorities of the Local Self Government Units (LSGU) Macedonia
5. Association of citizents 6th Star  Local Correspondents Network – a series of investigative stories and media promotion for accountability of the Local Self-Government Units (LSGUs)




Small Grant Facility for Civil Society Monitoring of Public Administration Reform at Local Level – Workshop with the grantees in Macedonia

The aim of the workshop was to familiarise the grantees with the EU financial management procedures and administrative procedures during the grant implementation.  The grantees in Macedonia are:

  Organisation Project title Country  
1.  Association Zenith Towards improved and more accessible services for the citizens: monitoring of the tax administration in the city of Skopje. Macedonia
2. FINANCE THINK – Economic Research Policy Institute Active inclusion of citizens in creating and monitoring local budgeting and public procurement Macedonia
3. Impact – Research Institute Comparative analysis and recommendations for improvement of the practices for external consultation in policy creation of local self-governments in the South-East region in Macedonia Macedonia
4. Association Forum – Centre for strategic research and documentation Strengthening the influence of citizens in determining the priorities of the Local Self Government Units (LSGU) Macedonia
5. Association of citizents 6th Star  Local Correspondents Network – a series of investigative stories and media promotion for accountability of the Local Self-Government Units (LSGUs)
