WeBER News
(Un)availability of information on governmental performance in the WB
Governments of the Western Balkan (WB) countries achieve low scores when it comes to information provision on their performance to the public.
Proactive informing by the public authorities at a low level in the Western Balkans
Monitoring done within the regional WeBER project indicates worrying trends in proactive informing of the citizens by the governments of the Western Balkans, particularly in aspects related to annual reporting, budget, public consultation, with a clear lack of citizen-friendliness in presentation of information and absence of open data practices.
Citizens’ participation in local-level policy- and decision-making: Comparative analysis of the Southeast Planning Region
Impact Institute for Research (Skopje, Macedonia) conducted research within the framework of “Comparative analysis and recommendations for improvement of the practices for external consultation in policy creation of local self-governments in the South-East region in Macedonia” project.
Citizens’ participation in local-level policy- and decision-making: Comparative analysis of the Southeast Planning Region
Impact Institute for Research (Skopje, Macedonia) conducted research within the framework of “Comparative analysis and recommendations for improvement of the practices for external consultation in policy creation of local self-governments in the South-East region in Macedonia” project.
Enlargement package consultation meeting on public administration reform (PAR)
Consultations of DG NEAR with representatives from international and non-governmental organisations took place on 19th of January 2018 in Brussels.
Public participation in the process adopting legal acts in Kraljevo almost non-existant
Preliminary results of the research on the civil society and citizen involvement in decision and policy-making process, conducted by Praxis within the project “Contributing to Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Kraljevo“ reveal that public participation in the process adopting legal acts in Kraljevo is almost non-existant.
Second Meeting of PAR National Working Group in Podgorica, Montenegro
On 30 October 2017, Institut Alternativa organised the second meeting of PAR National Working Group (NWG) in Podgorica, Montenegro.
Second Meeting of PAR National Working Group in Skopje, Macedonia
On 27 October 2017, The European Policy Institute (EPI) – Skopje coordinated the second meeting of the NWG in Skopje, Macedonia.
Second Meeting of PAR National Working Group in Tirana, Albania
On 30 October 2017, IDM Albania coordinated the second meeting of PAR National Working Group (NWG) in Tirana, Albania.