WeBER News
Praxis Held Conference “Contributing to Public Administration Reform in Kraljevo”
On 29 March 2018, Praxis held a conference to present the results of the project Contributing to Public Administration Reform in Kraljevo.
WeBER lead researcher participates in 14th Eastern Partnership Panel on Governance and Public Administration Reform
The 14th meeting of the Eastern Partnership Panel on Governance [...]
Third WeBER Researchers’ Workshop
WeBER research team met on 26th and 27th March 2018 for the third workshop of researchers. The workshop was held at Hotel Xheko Imperial in Tirana.
Public Administration Reform in BiH: Seminar for Representatives of WeBER NWG
Seminar for NWG members in BiH, organised by Foreign Policy Initiative and SIGMA/OECD was held in Sarajevo on 15th March 2018.
Challenges for Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Serbia: Key Findings of the 2017 SIGMA Monitoring Report
On 13 March 2018, SIGMA/OECD organised a workshop "Challenges for Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Serbia: Key Findings of the 2017 SIGMA Monitoring Report" in Hotel Metropol, Belgrade.
Average effort of service providers in putting basic information on offered services online
The monitoring shows that availability of easily accessible basic information on services is still far from what might be expected.
Public information on citizens’ feedback regarding administrative services is lacking across the Western Balkans
Assessment shows that the majority of citizens across the Western Balkans believe that they do not have possibility to give their feedback on the quality of administrative services.
(Positive) Public perception of state administration’s citizen orientation
Assessment of the public perception towards the implementation of the citizen-oriented service delivery (tailoring service delivery according to the citizens' needs) in practice suggests there is a relatively positive perception across the Western Balkan countries with exception of Bosnia and Hercegovina (BiH).
Public Availability of Official Data on Public Service – Partial at Best
Public availability of official government data on public service in the Western Balkan (WB) countries is partial at best.