WeBER News
Brussels got acquainted with PAR Monitor 2017/2018
One of the major products of the WeBER Project, Regional PAR Monitor 2017/2018, was presented in Brussels to the representatives of the Directorate-General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) of the European Commission, and to the participants of event organised by the European Policy Centre – EPC.
Citizens First: CEP Belgrade hosts the 1st WeBER Regional Conference
The conference “Citizens First: Civil Society Demands for Better Administration in the Western Balkans” brought together more than 60 speakers and over 130 participants from the Western Balkan region and the EU.
Advocacy is giving results: After Montenegro, Serbia joined the practice of publishing conclusions from PAR Special Group meetings
After Montenegro published the conclusions of the Public Administration (PAR) Special Group (SG) meeting in October 2017, becoming the first Western Balkan (WB) country to do so, Serbia decides to follow just a year later.
SIGMA Paper: Analysis of the Professionalisation of the Senior Civil Service and the Way Forward for the Western Balkans
This report analyses and compares the practices of the Western Balkan administrations – and distinguishes good practices from those that hinder the development of a more professional Senior Civil Service – to demonstrate to decision makers that a merit-based Senior Civil Service is useful.
The Third Meeting of the National Working Group on Public Administration Reform in Macedonia
7 June 2018 – The Third Meeting of the National Working Group on Public Administration Reform in Macedonia was attended by representatives of the WeBER Platform as well as a representative from the MISA.
Fourth Meeting of the WeBER Platform
The Fourth WeBER Platform meeting was held on 19th of June 2018, as a Video teleconference meeting (VTC), organised in the WeBER partners’ premises in each country.
Third Meeting of the National Working Group on PAR held in Belgrade
13 June 2018 – The Third Meeting of the National Working Group (NWG) on Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Serbia, was held in Belgrade attended by the representatives of the SIGMA/OECD, who presented the results of SIGMA 2017 Assessment for Serbia during the first part of the meeting.
Fourth WeBER Researchers’ Workshop
WeBER research team attended the Fourth WeBER Researchers' Workshop on 29th and 30th May 2018 in Budva, Montenegro.
WeBER: Example of long-haul efforts to bring in structural changes in an institutional environment
It is our pleasure to inform you that the European Commission’s Mid-term Evaluation of the Civil Society Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey has recognised Project WeBER as one of the examples of long-haul efforts to bring in structural changes in an institutional environment.