WeBER News
Official announcement: WeBER 2.0 has begun!
We are proud to inform you that the WeBER Project has received financial support from the European Commission for its continuation and that in the next three years we will continue our work toward reformed public administrations in the Western Balkans.
Delivering for people: WeBER Project Manager took part in Ankara World Bank conference
WeBER Project Manager and European Policy Centre (CEP) Programme Director Milena Lazarević was one of the speakers in the conference’s “Drivers and enablers of policy effectiveness” panel.
BACID Fund: Calls for Proposals
The second Call for Proposals under the second phase of the BACID programme is launched and the submission deadline is August 2, 2019.
Meaningful public consultations and external accountability are the critical challenges to PAR in Albania
As shown by the regional project WeBER civil society actors, with local knowledge of an administration’s functioning, can lead domestic advocacy efforts aimed at better administration.
GLPS held a Panel Discussion on the topic: “Progress in implementing the Public Administration Reform: Where does Kosovo Stand”
Group for Legal and Political Studies held a roundtable discussion on November 30, 2018 in Swiss Diamond Hotel, Prishtina where the National PAR Monitor Report for Kosovo and key insights and were presented as to how Kosovo stands in comparison to the other Western Balkan countries.
Press conference “Montenegro and public administration reform – Where are we on the regional scale?”
Institute Alternative (IA) presented the National PAR Monitor - Montenegro 2017/2018 to the public at a press conference.
National PAR Monitor – Macedonia 2017/2018 Presentation in Skopje
European Policy Institute - Skopje (EPI) held the final conference of the WeBER project and presented the National PAR Monitor Macedonia 2017/2018 on 27 November 2018, at the “Public Room” in Skopje, Macedonia.
National PAR Monitor for Serbia presented at the Fourth Meeting of the National Working Group in Belgrade
The fourth meeting of the National Working Group for Public Administration Reform in Serbia was held in Belgrade on 19 November 2018.
The fourth meeting of the National Working Group (NWG) for Public Administration Reform (PAR) in BiH
The fourth meeting of the National Working Group (NWG) for Public Administration Reform (PAR) in BiH was held in Sarajevo on 29 November 2018.