Press conference “Montenegro and public administration reform – Where are we on the regional scale?”

The report was presented by Stevo Muk, president of the Managing Board, as well as IA's researchers, Dina Bajramspahić and Ana Đurnić.

Presentation entailed detailed explanation of Montenegro's regional ranking according to PAR Monitor results, as well listing of key problems as identified in the PAR Monitor in all key six areas: the strategic framework for public administration reform, policy development and co-ordination, public service and human resource management, accountability, service delivery, public financial management.

Journalists from printed and electronic media attended the event and had the opportunity to ask questions about the findings, while key facts and slides from the presentation were shared during the event on social media.

Press conference “Montenegro and public administration reform – Where are we on the regional scale?”

The report was presented by Stevo Muk, president of the Managing Board, as well as IA's researchers, Dina Bajramspahić and Ana Đurnić.

Presentation entailed detailed explanation of Montenegro's regional ranking according to PAR Monitor results, as well listing of key problems as identified in the PAR Monitor in all key six areas: the strategic framework for public administration reform, policy development and co-ordination, public service and human resource management, accountability, service delivery, public financial management.

Journalists from printed and electronic media attended the event and had the opportunity to ask questions about the findings, while key facts and slides from the presentation were shared during the event on social media.