Open Public Consultation on Support to Economic Governance in Enlargement, Neighbourhood Countries

Introduction and background

The recent difficulties in the Eurozone and the global financial crisis have underlined the importance of further consolidating economic and financial stability and fostering reforms and growth, not only within the EU, but also in the enlargement and neighbourhood countries. In the EU, the economic governance framework aims to detect, prevent, and correct problematic economic trends such as excessive government deficits or public debt levels, which can stunt growth and put economies at risk. It can therefore be considered as a conceptual framework comprising processes used in the EU for governance in the field of economic interactions of different actors, in order to achieve the over-reaching goal of sustainable social and economic development.

In the current Enlargement Strategy, the Commission has identified economic governance as one of the key challenges for the Western Balkan countries and Turkey, on their path towards EU accession. Also, the revised European Neighbourhood Partnership (ENP) strategy of November 2015 stated that enhancing economic governance, strengthening fiscal stability and supporting structural reforms are EU priorities. More details are available here.

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For more information on DG NEAR please visit the following link.

Open Public Consultation on Support to Economic Governance in Enlargement, Neighbourhood Countries

Introduction and background

The recent difficulties in the Eurozone and the global financial crisis have underlined the importance of further consolidating economic and financial stability and fostering reforms and growth, not only within the EU, but also in the enlargement and neighbourhood countries. In the EU, the economic governance framework aims to detect, prevent, and correct problematic economic trends such as excessive government deficits or public debt levels, which can stunt growth and put economies at risk. It can therefore be considered as a conceptual framework comprising processes used in the EU for governance in the field of economic interactions of different actors, in order to achieve the over-reaching goal of sustainable social and economic development.

In the current Enlargement Strategy, the Commission has identified economic governance as one of the key challenges for the Western Balkan countries and Turkey, on their path towards EU accession. Also, the revised European Neighbourhood Partnership (ENP) strategy of November 2015 stated that enhancing economic governance, strengthening fiscal stability and supporting structural reforms are EU priorities. More details are available here.

Please proceed to the On-line Survey.

For more information on DG NEAR please visit the following link.