WeBER 3.0 offers an extensive multimedia platform focused on the public administration reform (PAR) process in the Western Balkans.

PAR Monitor scoreboard
The Regional PAR Scoreboard is an online regional benchmarking tool, containing an interactive map of
the Western Balkans and the possibility to choose from a set of PAR Principles’ indicators for each
Strengthening local engagement: WeBER 3.0 workshop empowers grantees for public administration reform
As part of the Western Balkan Enablers for Reforming Public Administrations – WeBER 3.0 project, a workshop was held on Friday, February 28, at [...]
Episode XV: Shaping governance for EU membership: Key SIGMA/OECD takeaways for the Western Balkans
Conversation between Milena Mihajlović Denić, Programme Director of European Policy Centre - CEP Belgrade and WeBER 3.0 Team Leader and Peter Vagi, Senior Policy [...]
Reorganization of the Government
It has been four years since the government reorganization process, which primarily involved reducing the number of ministries, but did not extend to [...]