

WeBER 3.0 offers an extensive multimedia platform focused on the public administration reform (PAR) process in the Western Balkans.

Episode II: Policy planning on the road to the EU: The case of Montenegro

In the second episode, our guest is Zorka Kordic, Chief Negotiator for the EU Accession of Montenegro. Milena Lazarević, an expert on the topic of public administration, European Policy Centre – CEP Programme Director and WeBER initiative Team Leader, talked with her about the Montenegrin road to the EU and the role of policy planning, the WeBER initiative and why civil society must monitor the public administration reform process.

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Episode I: En route to a better public administration: Why bottom-up pressure is necessary

In the first episode, our guest is Gregor Virant, Head of SIGMA (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management) is a joint initiative of the OECD and the European Union and former Minister of Public Administration of Slovenia. Milena Lazarević, an expert on this topic, of the European Policy Centre – CEP Programme Director and WeBER initiative Team Leader, talked with him about the SIGMA principles of public administration, the WeBER initiative and why civil society must monitor and involve in the public administration reform process.
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PAR Monitor scoreboard

The Regional PAR Scoreboard is an online regional benchmarking tool, containing an interactive map of
the Western Balkans and the possibility to choose from a set of PAR Principles’ indicators for each

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