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Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Nam eget dui. Nunc interdum lacus sit amet orci. Praesent adipiscing. Duis lobortis massa imperdiet quam.

Nullam quis ante. Nunc nulla. Aliquam lobortis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin magna.

Episode XIII: Bridging the Gap: Convergence strategies for Western Balkans’ EU future

This episode of WeBER Talks is dedicated to economic growth challenges and opportunities for the Western Balkans. WeBER 3.0 guest is Nicola Pontara, Country Manager of the World Bank in Serbia. He talked with Milena Mihajlović, CEP Programme Director and WeBER 3.0, about the region’s future and how reforms, governance, and technology can propel the Western Balkans toward convergence with the EU.

1. Growth Slowdown & Socioeconomic Divergence: While the Western Balkans experienced solid growth in the early 2000s, the region has struggled to maintain momentum post-2008. Nicola highlights the “golden period” between 2000 and 2008 but warns that without significant reforms, convergence with the EU could stretch as far as 2093 in a pessimistic scenario.

2. Governance Deficit: Poor governance remains a significant roadblock. Nicola emphasizes that countries in the region must focus on improving the rule of law, combating corruption, and increasing government accountability to accelerate growth and reduce the trust gap with their citizens. 🌐

3. The Role of State-Owned Enterprises: The discussion provides a key insight into the incomplete transition to market economies in the region. Many state-owned enterprises (SOEs) still dominate critical sectors like energy, limiting the private sector’s potential to drive growth. Privatization and the introduction of market competition are seen as crucial steps forward.

4. Digital Transition & Innovation as Key Catalysts: Excitingly, digital transformation can help bridge the institutional and governance gaps. Serbia has become a leader in digital innovation, spearheading initiatives in AI, biotech, and IT services. The region can leverage this momentum to modernize public services, increase transparency, and reduce bureaucracy.

5. Youth, Women & Brain Drain: Nicola calls for urgent reforms to integrate young people and women into the workforce. Improving educational curricula and fostering labour market flexibility will prevent further brain drain and ensure that economic benefits are more inclusive.

Looking forward, both experts agree that focusing on second-generation reforms is vital: deepening financial markets, boosting regional trade and connectivity, investing in human capital, and addressing the urgent need for green transition and sustainable development.

While challenges persist, especially in governance and institutional reforms, there is hope that with the right policies and an embrace of digital transformation, the region can achieve sustained growth and converge with the EU in the coming decades.

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Episode XI: Pursuing More Deliberative Democracy and Citizen Participation: Where and How to Begin?

In this 11th episode of WeBER2.0 podcast, a special edition of European Talks focusing on the EU integration of the Western Balkans, host Miloš Đinđić, Programme Manager of the European Policy Centre, Belgrade, and WeBER Lead Researcher, welcomes a distinguished guest, Professor Kalypso Nicolaïdis. Professor Nicolaïdis is the Chair of Global Affairs at the EUI School of Transnational Governance in Florence, and her contributions to the field of International Relations and European integration are remarkable.

During this engaging conversation, Professor Nicolaïdis shares her extensive insights into various aspects of European integration, global affairs, and democratic theory. With her wealth of knowledge in these domains, she explores the relevance of citizens’ consultations and the role they play in WeBER’s initiatives. The Democratic Odyssey, a groundbreaking project, serves as a blueprint for our discussion, offering valuable insights into the future of citizen engagement in the Western Balkans.

Join us in this enlightening conversation as we delve into the exciting realm of democratic participation and its potential to shape the future of the Western Balkan region. We are delighted to have Professor Nicolaïdis on board for this inspiring episode.

Visit her website for more information:


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Episode X: From Opinions to Impact: Experience in Implementing Deliberative polling in North Macedonia

In the tenth episode of WeBER Talks, we welcome Ms. Simonida Kacarska, Director of the European Policy Institute (EPI) in Skopje, a member of the Think for Europe Network and WeBER partner from North Macedonia.

With her extensive background in Politics and International Studies, Ms. Kacarska provided unique insights into the world of deliberative polling (DP) and its relevance in our region. Delving into her experience, we explore the inception and implementation of DP, uncovering valuable lessons and takeaways. Simonida highlights the vital resources necessary for successful DP endeavours, discussing the human, financial, and time-related aspects. She also sheds light on the key challenges that Western Balkan CSOs, think tanks and research organizations might encounter when embarking on their own DP journeys.

Discover how DP can lead to informed public opinion and affect advocacy in the region, ultimately influencing decision-makers.

To learn more about the work of EPI, please visit: www.epi.org.mk.

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Episode IX: Building Bridges: The Role of ReSPA in Fostering Regional Cooperation for Better PAR

In this episode of WeBER Talks, we host Maja Handjiska-Trendafilova, Director of the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA), a regional organisation that supports PAR in the Western Balkans.

Ms. Handjiska-Trendafilova shares her extensive experience in the EU integration and regional cooperation processes, having worked on various policy areas, including the Regional Economic Area and Common Regional Market agendas. She discusses ReSPA’s approach to fostering regional cooperation and exchange, as well as the organization’s current initiatives, including the Regional CAF Centre, which aims to improve public services through quality management.

Join us for this insightful conversation on the importance of regional networking and cooperation in PAR and how ReSPA is contributing to this process in the Western Balkans. For more information about ReSPA, please visit their website at www.respaweb.eu.

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PAR Monitor scoreboard

The Regional PAR Scoreboard is an online regional benchmarking tool, containing an interactive map of
the Western Balkans and the possibility to choose from a set of PAR Principles’ indicators for each

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