The reform for rationalization of executive agencies and regulators started in 2015, as part of the reform dialogue in the field of public administration between Kosovo and the European Union. The policy framework for implementing the rationalization of executive agencies and regulators foresees its completion by the end of 2021. It is expected to affect over 60 institutions, most of which exercise executive functions. Although in terms of designations and formal status, they seem distinct, many of them have a fusion and duplication of competencies among themselves. The lack of clear lines of accountability and weaknesses in their oversight further undermine their functioning. This situation contributes to the lack of a functional public administration in Kosovo. To contribute to the implementation of this reform, this policy analysis addresses this reform in two dimensions, the context and framework of this reform, and its implementation. This analysis is available on the website of Prishtina Institute for Political Studies on the following link:


  • Country: Kosovo
  • Organisation: Prishtina Institute for Political Studies
  • PAR Area: Accountability
  • Language: English
  • Types: Policy study/Analysis