Corruption within civil service: Unveiling the complex web
The issue of corruption persists in Kosovo, as it does in many neighboring countries, and is undoubtedly one of the most significant challenges facing our state. Kosovo has made some modest progress in its battle against corruption, with a slight improvement in its score, reaching 39 points – three more than the previous year – on
the 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index compiled by the international organization Transparency International. However, reports from international organizations and civil society in Kosovo consistently highlight clear legal limitations on discretionary power in the country, along with inadequate implementation and functioning of mechanisms designed to prevent, correct, and even sanction these arbitrary actions or misuse of official authority. This underscores the need for improving and enhancing the effectiveness of the justice institutions in combating corruption.
Corruption within civil service: Unveiling the complex web
The issue of corruption persists in Kosovo, as it does in many neighboring countries, and is undoubtedly one of the most significant challenges facing our state. Kosovo has made some modest progress in its battle against corruption, with a slight improvement in its score, reaching 39 points – three more than the previous year – on
the 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index compiled by the international organization Transparency International. However, reports from international organizations and civil society in Kosovo consistently highlight clear legal limitations on discretionary power in the country, along with inadequate implementation and functioning of mechanisms designed to prevent, correct, and even sanction these arbitrary actions or misuse of official authority. This underscores the need for improving and enhancing the effectiveness of the justice institutions in combating corruption.