Ceremony of Contract Signing with WeBER Project CSOs Grantees from Serbia

The workshop was organised in Belgrade Art Hotel (BAH) on 25 – 26 May. The aim of the workshop was to familiarise the grantees with the EU financial management procedures, administrative procedures and visibility requirements during the period of implementation of awarded grants.  The second day of the workshop was mainly focused on the reporting schedule, VAT exemption procedure and plan for monitoring of the grants’ activities.

CSOs grantees from Serbia are: LDA SuboticaBečejsko udruženje mladih (BUM)Nacionalna koalicija za decentralizaciju (NKD)Centtar za ravnomerni regionalni razvoj CenTriRCentar za razvoj građanskog društva PROTECTAPraxis, i Centar za razvoj demokratskog društva Europolis.

Ceremony of Contract Signing with WeBER Project CSOs Grantees from Serbia

The workshop was organised in Belgrade Art Hotel (BAH) on 25 – 26 May. The aim of the workshop was to familiarise the grantees with the EU financial management procedures, administrative procedures and visibility requirements during the period of implementation of awarded grants.  The second day of the workshop was mainly focused on the reporting schedule, VAT exemption procedure and plan for monitoring of the grants’ activities.

CSOs grantees from Serbia are: LDA SuboticaBečejsko udruženje mladih (BUM)Nacionalna koalicija za decentralizaciju (NKD)Centtar za ravnomerni regionalni razvoj CenTriRCentar za razvoj građanskog društva PROTECTAPraxis, i Centar za razvoj demokratskog društva Europolis.