Reorganization of the Government
It has been four years since the government [...]
Law on Senior Civil Service: Is the Government Hesitant to Adopt it?
A professional, impartial, and effective public administration is [...]
PAR Monitoring and Coordination: From Recommendation to Action – Overcoming Barriers in SAI Recommendation Implementation
In every constitutional democracy, independent institutions play a [...]
Public Service and Human Resource Management: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Civil Servant Hiring Procedures in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Challenges and Opportunities for Reform
Bosnia and Herzegovina's civil service recruitment system continues [...]
PAR Monitoring and Coordination: What space for civil society to influence?
The Public Administration Reform Strategy in the Republic [...]
The Phenomenon of Acting Positions within the Public Administration
-The exercise of public authority granted by law based [...]
“Digital revolution” – Assessing Albania’s decision to transition to only online service delivery
Following the publications of the PAR Monitor Report Albania, [...]
Transparency of Government Session: Desicion-making behind closed doors
Publicity of the work of the Government is regulated [...]
Monitoring reforms in the EU accession process: A Western Balkan civil society contribution
In the context of the EU’s enlargement policy, the [...]
From eGovernment to digital transformation: An overview of key challenges in Montenegro
Digital transformation of public administration and society in Montenegro [...]
Open format data publishing – A practice that is yet to gain traction in Montenegro
Montenegro’s obligation to publish open data, i.e. data in [...]
State administration in Serbia: a thorny road to equal opportunities and access for all
The state administration has been reforming for almost two [...]
Transparency of PAR in the WB: Numerous shortcomings and limited examples of good practice in the region
At the centre of the monitoring of public administration [...]
The Neverending story of senior civil service depoliticisation in Serbia
Political influence on public administration is as old as [...]
Accessibility and Equal Opportunities in State Administrations in the WB: What Civil Servants and Civil Society Actors Have to Say?
Accessibility is considered a priority in a modern-day state [...]
Corruption within civil service: Unveiling the complex web
The issue of corruption persists in Kosovo, as it [...]