Western Balkan
Enablers for
Reforming Public
Administrations –
WeBER 3.0
Mind (Y)our Reform!
Wester Balkan
Enablers for
Reforming Public
Administrations –
WeBER 3.0
Mind (Y)our Reform!
Strengthening civil society organisations in the Western Balkans: A regional training initiative under WeBER Plus
WeBER Plus is a regional spin-off project of the broader WeBER initiative, funded by the SMART Balkans project and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Launched on January 2023 and running until the end of November 2024, WeBER Plus is implemented through the collaboration of four key partners: European Policy Centre – CEP, Belgrade, Foreign Policy Initiative BH - FPI BH, Sarajevo, Group for Legal and Political Studies – GLPS, Pristina, and European Policy [...]
Reorganization of the Government
It has been four years since the government reorganization process, which primarily involved reducing the number of ministries, but did not extend to other bodies under their responsibility. This process was a result [...]
Law on Senior Civil Service: Is the Government Hesitant to Adopt it?
A professional, impartial, and effective public administration is key to the functioning of every democratic society. Therefore, it is very important to recruit educated and skilled professionals who are selected based on their [...]
PAR Monitoring and Coordination: From Recommendation to Action – Overcoming Barriers in SAI Recommendation Implementation
In every constitutional democracy, independent institutions play a crucial role in maintaining checks and balances. In Albania, the State Audit Institution (SAI) is the highest supervisory authority for financial and administrative matters within [...]