Advocacy is giving results: After Montenegro, Serbia joined the practice of publishing conclusions from PAR Special Group meetings

22 August 2018 – The conclusions of the Public Administration Reform (PAR) Special Group (SG) meeting, held on 29 and 30 May in Belgrade, were published on the website of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Serbia. Meeting conclusions can be downloaded here.

Public Administration Reform Special Groups have been established in all Western Balkan (WB) countries, as part of the structure responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. Meetings of these groups represent a policy dialogue between representatives of the European Commission and the Government of the Republic of Serbia in charge of public administration reform. In Serbia, the first SG meeting was held in 2014,  while meeting conclusions were published for the first time this year.

Reaching an agreement with key PAR authorities  in each of the  WB countries on a uniform practice of publishing the agenda and minutes of each PAR SG meeting is one of the recommendations given to the European Commission by Milena Lazarević, Programme Director of the European Policy Centre, Belgrade (CEP), and Korina Stratulat, Senior Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre, Brussels (EPC), as part of the policy brief ”Balkan Enlargement and the Politics of Civic Pressure: The Case of the Public Administration Reform Sector”. The brief was published within the framework of the WeBER Project.

In addition to that, in April 2017, we have initiated the participation of civil society organisations (CSOs) in the work of the PAR SG in the WB by organising consultative meetings with CSO representatives.

In October 2017, Montenegro published the conclusions from the session of the SG held in that country. You can download the conclusions from that session here.

Advocacy is giving results: After Montenegro, Serbia joined the practice of publishing conclusions from PAR Special Group meetings

22 August 2018 – The conclusions of the Public Administration Reform (PAR) Special Group (SG) meeting, held on 29 and 30 May in Belgrade, were published on the website of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Serbia. Meeting conclusions can be downloaded here.

Public Administration Reform Special Groups have been established in all Western Balkan (WB) countries, as part of the structure responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. Meetings of these groups represent a policy dialogue between representatives of the European Commission and the Government of the Republic of Serbia in charge of public administration reform. In Serbia, the first SG meeting was held in 2014,  while meeting conclusions were published for the first time this year.

Reaching an agreement with key PAR authorities  in each of the  WB countries on a uniform practice of publishing the agenda and minutes of each PAR SG meeting is one of the recommendations given to the European Commission by Milena Lazarević, Programme Director of the European Policy Centre, Belgrade (CEP), and Korina Stratulat, Senior Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre, Brussels (EPC), as part of the policy brief ”Balkan Enlargement and the Politics of Civic Pressure: The Case of the Public Administration Reform Sector”. The brief was published within the framework of the WeBER Project.

In addition to that, in April 2017, we have initiated the participation of civil society organisations (CSOs) in the work of the PAR SG in the WB by organising consultative meetings with CSO representatives.

In October 2017, Montenegro published the conclusions from the session of the SG held in that country. You can download the conclusions from that session here.