Fourth Meeting of the WeBER Platform

The event gathered CSO members of the WeBER Platform, representatives of national authorities in charge of PAR (associates of the Project), as well as, the Regional School of Public Administration – ReSPA representative.

The first part of the meeting served to update the participants about new finalised indicators and ongoing monitoring activities, but also to present findings of the WeBER survey of civil servants implemented in coordination with the SIGMA/OECD. Discussion on the survey results was focused on state of (de)politicisation in the Western Balkan countries.

This meeting provided an opportunity for drawing conclusions from National Working Group meetings, that were held in previous weeks in all six countries, and to discuss priorities, concerns and challenges communicated by local civil society organisations.

The agenda of the meeting was also inclusive of a brief discussion about the final conference of the WeBER Project, scheduled for 25 – 26 September 2018. Role and contribution of the Platform members pertaining to this event were announced and addressed. The WeBER Platform members also discussed current state of play of the PAR Resource Centre and gave ideas for making it a living database, in order to make it more useful to the civil society organisations across the Western Balkans.

Fourth Meeting of the WeBER Platform

The event gathered CSO members of the WeBER Platform, representatives of national authorities in charge of PAR (associates of the Project), as well as, the Regional School of Public Administration – ReSPA representative.

The first part of the meeting served to update the participants about new finalised indicators and ongoing monitoring activities, but also to present findings of the WeBER survey of civil servants implemented in coordination with the SIGMA/OECD. Discussion on the survey results was focused on state of (de)politicisation in the Western Balkan countries.

This meeting provided an opportunity for drawing conclusions from National Working Group meetings, that were held in previous weeks in all six countries, and to discuss priorities, concerns and challenges communicated by local civil society organisations.

The agenda of the meeting was also inclusive of a brief discussion about the final conference of the WeBER Project, scheduled for 25 – 26 September 2018. Role and contribution of the Platform members pertaining to this event were announced and addressed. The WeBER Platform members also discussed current state of play of the PAR Resource Centre and gave ideas for making it a living database, in order to make it more useful to the civil society organisations across the Western Balkans.