Second Meeting of PAR National Working Group in Skopje, Macedonia

The meeting served as consultation between the NWG, the representatives of the Small Grant Facility from Macedonia and the Ministry of Information Society and Administration of Macedonia.

The representatives the NWG and the grantees had opportunity to get acquainted with the latest version of the Strategy for the Reform of the Public Administration 2018 – 2022 and unique opportunity provide their views and input on the newly presented text. The structured engagement of the civil society in the structures for monitoring and coordination of PAR was advocated for, while the grantees advocated for inclusion of  local- self government in the scope of the Strategy. The meeting was attended by 23 representatives of CSOs from Macedonia.

Second Meeting of PAR National Working Group in Skopje, Macedonia

The meeting served as consultation between the NWG, the representatives of the Small Grant Facility from Macedonia and the Ministry of Information Society and Administration of Macedonia.

The representatives the NWG and the grantees had opportunity to get acquainted with the latest version of the Strategy for the Reform of the Public Administration 2018 – 2022 and unique opportunity provide their views and input on the newly presented text. The structured engagement of the civil society in the structures for monitoring and coordination of PAR was advocated for, while the grantees advocated for inclusion of  local- self government in the scope of the Strategy. The meeting was attended by 23 representatives of CSOs from Macedonia.