Event announcement: Public administration reform …
Event announcement: Public administration reform and EU enlargement – The Balkan civil society perspective
This event will assess the importance of civil society involvement in Public Administration Reform (PAR) in the Balkans, but also the importance of openness and transparency of the policy dialogue on PAR at all levels. In the Balkans, cooperation between CSOs across the region in the field of PAR is facilitated by WeBER Project.
While presenting some of WeBER’s key achievements so far, the event will seek to answer how do national governments see civil society’s role in PAR? What is the European Commission’s position on PAR in the enlargement agenda and specifically on civil society involvement? In what ways has civil society been involved up to now, and what can be done to encourage and strengthen dialogue between CSOs, governments, regional organisations and EU institutions?
The pannelists will be: Damjan Mancevski, Minister of Information Society and Administration, Macedonia, Bernard Brunet, Head of Unit Thematic Support, Monitoring and Evaluation – DG NEAR, European Commission, Milena Lazarević, CEP Programme Director and WeBER Project Manager, Fisnik Korenica, Executive Director, GLPS Prishtina and Corina Stratulat, Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre (Moderator).
Short presentations from the expert panel will be followed by an interactive discussion with the audience.
Event announcement: Public administration reform …
Event announcement: Public administration reform and EU enlargement – The Balkan civil society perspective
This event will assess the importance of civil society involvement in Public Administration Reform (PAR) in the Balkans, but also the importance of openness and transparency of the policy dialogue on PAR at all levels. In the Balkans, cooperation between CSOs across the region in the field of PAR is facilitated by WeBER Project.
While presenting some of WeBER’s key achievements so far, the event will seek to answer how do national governments see civil society’s role in PAR? What is the European Commission’s position on PAR in the enlargement agenda and specifically on civil society involvement? In what ways has civil society been involved up to now, and what can be done to encourage and strengthen dialogue between CSOs, governments, regional organisations and EU institutions?
The pannelists will be: Damjan Mancevski, Minister of Information Society and Administration, Macedonia, Bernard Brunet, Head of Unit Thematic Support, Monitoring and Evaluation – DG NEAR, European Commission, Milena Lazarević, CEP Programme Director and WeBER Project Manager, Fisnik Korenica, Executive Director, GLPS Prishtina and Corina Stratulat, Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre (Moderator).
Short presentations from the expert panel will be followed by an interactive discussion with the audience.