Indicator Results 2017/2018
Summary results of the PAR Monitor indicators are given below. Choose between different PAR areas and select results for any of the Western Balkan countries.
If you are interested to learn more details on the calculation of indicators and their results, please contact WeBER partners in each country.
Strategic Framework of Public Administration Reform
Principle 1, Indicator 1: Use of participatory approaches in the development of key strategic PAR documents.
Principle 2, Indicator 1: Civil society involvement in the PAR monitoring and coordination structures
Policy Development and Co-ordination
Principle 5, Indicator 1: Public availability of information on Government performance.
Principle 5, Indicator 2: Civil society perception of the Government’s pursuit and achievement of its planned objectives.
Principle 6, Indicator 1: Transparency of the Government’s decision-making
Principle 10, Indicator 1: Use of evidence created by think tanks, independent institutes and other CSOs in policy development
Principle 11, Indicator 1: Civil society perception of inclusiveness and openness of policymaking
Principle 12, Indicator 1: Perception of availability and accessibility of legislation and related explanatory materials by the civil society
Public Service and Human Resource Management
Principle 2, Indicator 1: Public availability of official data and reports about the civil service and employees in central state administration
Principle 2, Indicator 2: Performance of tasks characteristic for civil service outside of the civil service merit-based regime
Principle 3, Indicator 1: Openness, transparency and fairness of recruitment into the civil service
Principle 4, Indicator 1: Effective protection of senior civil servants’ positions from unwanted political interference
Principle 5, Indicator 1: Transparency, clarity and public availability of information on the civil service remuneration system
Principle 7, Indicator 1: Effectiveness of measures for the promotion of integrity and prevention of corruption in the civil service
Principle 2, Indicator 1: Civil society perception of the quality of legislation and practice of access to public information
Principle 2, Indicator 2: Proactive informing of the public by public authorities
Service Delivery
Principle 1, Indicator 1: Public perception of state administration’s citizen orientation
Principle 3, Indicator 1: Public perception and availability of information on citizens’ feedback regarding the quality of administrative services
Principle 4, Indicator 1: CSOs’ perception of accessibility of administrative services
Principle 4, Indicator 2: Availability of information regarding the provision of administrative services on the websites of service providers
Public Financial Management
Principle 5, Indicator 1: Transparency and accessibility of budgetary documents
Principle 6&8, Indicator 1: Public availability of information on public internal financial controls and the parliamentary scrutiny
Principle 16, Indicator 1: Supreme Audit Institution’s communication and cooperation with the public pertaining to its work