Principles of Public Administration
Short introduction to the “Principles of Public Administration”
The Principles of Public Administration outline six key reform areas for developing an integrated and well-functioning public administration for the EU enlargement countries in their process of joining. These principles are a continuation of the effort of the European Commission to progressively define the concept of “good administration”. Firstly, with the definition in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, and following with the concept of “European Administrative Space” that used to attach universal principles of public administration to the administrative systems and practices in the EU. Since November 2014, the Principles of Public Administration represent the latest development and are developed by the OECD/SIGMA in close cooperation with the European Commission.
The Principles of Public Administration for the six core reform areas are accompanied by the analytical and monitoring framework for monitoring and reviewing the progress of the countries in the enlargement process, using the detailed methodology. Ultimately, the application of these Principles should indicate the capacity of the administration to implement EU requirement, i.e. apply the EU acquis.
PAR Monitor and the Principles
Having in mind the amount of attention given to the public administration reform (PAR) by the European Commission in the enlargement process, and strict conditions the EU sets before the Western Balkan countries in their ongoing reforms using the Principles, WeBER is using the general framework set out by the Principles to advocate for local demand and support to public administration reform processes in these countries, beyond the EU conditionality. The involvement of civil society and media organisations in PAR monitoring and influencing the dialogue in these countries is, hence, the ultimate aim of WeBER as these organisations are key external stakeholders in holding the administrations accountable, and are capable of increasing and maintaining local demand for better public services and handling of administration. More precisely, WeBER seeks to increase the relevance, participation and capacity of civil society organisations and media in the WB to advocate for and influence the design and implementation of PAR.
In pursuing its goal, WeBER strongly leans on the Principles of Public Administration for creating this pressure, but through the development of own, distinct methodology embodied in PAR Monitor. Main focus of the PAR Monitor methodology is on the involvement of civil society and its role of an “external scrutiniser” of administration. Ultimately, PAR Monitor will create evidence base for the informed dialogue on PAR, and it will produce regional and national monitoring reports.